Tonight I feel really down... after an incident this evening I don't know if I should put a hope for a relationship anymore... People who know me well always knew that I am not a relationship kind of person... but that doesn't mean I totally don't believe in it... Anyway the incident that happened this evening just confirmed somethingfor me: "Relationship just won't happen to me... so be it!"
I don't know about you but when I am feeling low I just wanna watch a movie that makes me feel sexy and good about myself... and the only movie that has succeeded with that heavy task is none other than... "UNFAITHFUL"... I have watched the movie 300 times but still can't get tired of it... and the best way to watch a sexy movie is definitely with THE CADBURY'S FLAKE ICE CREAM... something so good you just forget the guilty feelings ... now this is wayyyyyyyyyy better than sex!

dear hazel,
since ur feeling down.let me tell u something..U ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE!..
atleast u get to gobble down a bucket of Cadbury ice cream kan? i bet Cadbury loves you..but your body hates u now..
chill out my friend.. like they say.. love is in the air...u just need to find where it is. sometimes it blows towards u kan?
"When Im feeling blue, all I have to do, Is take a look at you, then Im not so blue" - cause we have a Groovy kinda love....
Urbanwitch... thanx sebab menyokong... teringat kat lagu kegemaran uol semasa DPA... "That's What Friends Are For"... anyway Maz+Rin=Nuyin pun suka also lagu tuh...
Olpicture... I wish I could be as happy as you...
Could be as happy as me? what makes you think i'm happy? i'm the king(...or Queen) of loneliness
uiks kawanku citer tu mmg best kan!
my dear hazel...
hakikatnya hidup ni tak sentiasa indah kan..kalau all the time ok, tak lah hidup namanya, tak apa-apa dugaan yang datang tu harap dapatlah bersabar ye..but, whatever prob that u're facing rite now & no matter how big, dont u lose hope..ever..selagi kita ni bernama manusia, selagi tu kita perlu berusaha, berharap, berdoa dan pasrah kepada ketentuan Yang Esa..chewah..pandaila aku kan..akupun 2x5 gak..kawan2lah pun pengobat duka klu agak2nak share beban tu..calling2 jer lah erk..itulah gunanya kawan pun kan...bukan takat rambu ramba semata.
agaknya sbb ko tgh melancholic nilah ye smpi acara berpoya2 mlm sabtu tu ari tu tak masuk blog..
Di... what happens in that movie can happen to any normal pre-menopaus human being...
Seri... dalam bab2 percintaan dan perhubungan nie... sesungguhnya kau lebih mengerti... huhuhu
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